Most of the book is the A-Z listing of cut flower and foliage profiles. The 2nd edition includes 119 cut flower and 36 foliage profiles - 13 of these are new.
Each profile runs through key features of the product – common and botanical names, seasonal availability, vase life, stem length, typical bunch size, colour range, buying tips, care and handling, which floral preservatives to use, ethylene sensitivity, temperature requirements, design uses in floristry and any special advice. Each profile includes one or more photos to aid identification.
Coloured tabs on the page margins help you locate profiles of Australian natives (blue), South African species (green), orchids (pink) and tropical products (orange).
New photos have been added throughout.
A unique feature of the book is the handy charts which allow you to quickly find the season of availability and colour range of many, many products. These are:
- The Quick Guide to Seasonal Flowers and Foliage lists traditional, South African and Australian Wildflowers, Orchids and Tropical Flowers by their common and botanical names, season and colour range.
- There are separate Quick Guides to Australian Native Flowers and Native Foliage Products and
- A Chart of Ethylene Sensitive Flowers.
WCFiT? Edition Two - Digital Book
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